Residents of Tiverton will now have the same access to a Good Food Box as residents of Kincardine and Ripley.
Through a collective bulk-purchasing system, this program provides fresh produce to each customer, with a box of 10-12 kinds of fruit and vegetables for $22. Four to five apples count as one item and the same goes for carrots, bananas, pears, etc.
Thanks to the co-operative efforts of the Knox Presbyterian Church in Tiverton, and the Tiverton Lions Club, a satellite Good Food Box depot has now been established at the church, and transportation from Kincardine to Tiverton will be provided by the Lions.
The Little Blue House Coffee Co. in Tiverton is the place for first-time clients to register and pay - either with $22 cash or a token from a supporting organization. The Little Blue House Coffee Co. hours are Tuesday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Customers need to sign up by the third Thursday of each month to pick up their box on the fourth Thursday for most months but please note the change of dates for December - these can be found on the schedule in the window of the Little Blue House Coffee Co. Also, please bring your own bags if you don't want to carry the box.
Those who need a box, without cost, should contact the Kincardine Ministerial Association’s Food Bank at the Anglican Church of the Messiah in Kincardine which is open every Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Each month, the Good Food Box organizers obtain from the food bank, a list of families or seniors needing support due to low income and inflationary food costs, plus it is possible for generous folk to sponsor a box for an individual or family.
Boxes for those on the food bank list are supplied, without cost, to the recipients and necessitate fund-raising by the organizers. Last February, the Good Food Box partnered with the United Way of Bruce Grey in hosting a Coldest Night of the Year fund-raiser with the proceeds split between the two organizations. Planning has already begun for the 2024 event which will take place Feb 24 and walkers can now begin to register at
For other Good Food Box program information, contact Wendy Cox at 519-396-7307 or; or Shirley Steele at 519-396-3736 or