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Mayor, council sworn in; Twolan acclaimed Bruce County warden

December 7, 2014

The mayor and members of Huron-Kinloss council were sworn in at the inaugural meeting Monday night, Dec. 1, in the council chamber.

All of council was acclaimed, except mayor Mitch Twolan who was elected to the position in the Oct. 27 municipal election.

"It is an honour and a privilege to be standing here as the mayor of Huron-Kinloss again," said Twolan.

"It is humbling to go through the process and I appreciate the support of so many taxpayers in this municipality. I'm grateful and I thank all who supported me."

He said Huron-Kinloss has a strong, functioning council that works together.

"We don't always agree on everything," he said, "and there are going to be some nights when we don't, but the one thing we do is we leave it at the council table."

Twolan said the public holds this council in high regard. "Now, it's our job to do the best we can for all our constituents."

He thanked the hard-working and dedicated staff, led by administrator Mary Rose Walden, and including clerk Sonya Watson, treasurer Jodi MacArthur, public works director Hugh Nichol, community services director Mike Fair and chief building official Matt Farrell.

"We have a tough four years ahead, but we must work together to do our best for the township," said Twolan.

Pastor Judy Zarubick gave an invocation and prayer for the new council. "Thank you for your dedication to serve. Use your resources wisely and may the people who come here with concerns be heard and understood."

The rest of council offered thanks to the residents of Huron-Kinloss for their faith in this group to work in their best interests over the next four years.

Twolan has also been named warden of Bruce County for the next year. He was acclaimed to the position Thursday, Dec. 4

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