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Event Calendar
Please note: The Kincardine Record reserves the right to not post any events deemed hateful, racist, homophobic or otherwise violating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Schools and churches are encouraged to post their event at no charge. All other events are subject to a fee outlined on our Advertising page.
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Website:
Event Title:
Event Address:
Event Town/City:
Event Postal Code:
Event Description:
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How to Select the Date(s) of your Event:
Click on the Date field below, then select ALL of the dates in which your event occurs. If the start and end time is the same for each event, simply fill in the Start and End Time fields below. If the events have different start and end times, just click the Different Times checkbox, and type in the start and end time for each day of the event.
Start Time:
End Time:
Different Times?