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​Brockton announces access to $3.4-million through Housing Accelerator Fund

Liz DadsonBy: Liz Dadson  February 4, 2025
​Brockton announces access to $3.4-million through Housing Accelerator Fund
The Municipality of Brockton has announced that it has access to $3.4-million in funding through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)’s Housing Accelerator Fund.

A press release, issued Monday, states the funding can be allocated toward infrastructure that supports new and existing residents, supports programs and policies to advance needed units, and increases the available supply for attainably-priced units in the growing community of Brockton.

The Housing Accelerator Fund is a $4.4-billion initiative from the Government of Canada, helping to boost housing supply while supporting affordable, diverse, and climate-resilient communities. Through the fund, the federal government is working with local governments to accelerate the construction of more than 4,200 homes over the next three years, spurring the construction of more than 44,700 homes over the next decade.

The fund provides incentive funding to local governments related to affordable housing, housing-related infrastructure, community-related infrastructure supporting housing, as well as the creation of an action plan for the forecasted growth.

Brockton has long identified the need for more housing, especially housing that is available to support workers, young families moving to the community and to promote economic growth. The municipality will be undertaking the following initiatives to facilitate additional housing growth in Brockton’s community:
  • Updating infrastructure planning to align with official community plans, growth targets and housing needs assessment.
  • Implementing disincentives to discourage idle units.
  • Promoting infill developments (adding new units to existing communities) with increased housing density and a variety of unit types, such as duplexes or secondary suites.
  • Creating a process for disposal of municipally-owned land assets for the development of affordable housing.
  • Ensuring that development and amenity charges are clear, transparent and pre-determined.
  • Aligning Development Charges with the costs of infrastructure and servicing.
  • Revising parking requirements, such as reduced or eliminated parking spaces for new developments that may benefit apartments, to create more units where multiple spaces are not necessary.
  • Allowing increased density housing on a single lot - reducing impact on available land supply. Implementing incentives, costing or fee structures, such as density bonusing), to encourage such things as affordable housing and conversions from non-residential to residential.
  • Promoting and allowing more housing types that serve vulnerable populations.
  • Partnering with non-profit housing providers to preserve and increase the stock of affordable housing.

Many of these initiatives are related to projects the municipality currently has under way and are advancing, or are related to, urban expansion goals.

"The federal government’s funding will help expand attainable housing in Brockton, supporting our growing workforce, strengthening our business community, and attracting new residents for long-term sustainability and economic growth,” said mayor Chris Peabody. “Council and staff remain committed to Building a Better Brockton.”

The municipality looks forward to the positive advancement this funding will provide for the community.

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